Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Third Day

OK, So there is much to tell already and I will try to do my best.

My Italian is very basic and needs work but I am not worried because I feel it improving every day. It is easiest for me to read Italian, a bit harder to listen, and most difficult to speak. This is because I can recognize verbs and Italian words that are familiar to me or remind me of Spanish, but I have not memorized the conjugations of those words so it is harder for me to use them correctly when I speak. However, I use what I know and there have been no major problems yet. I am sure that when I begin school the true difficulty will begin!

The weather is pretty much the same as in VA, maybe a bit cooler. It is very nice to walk in the city because there is a lot of sunshine (molto sole!) and also a breeze. I have used the metro and also the bus system. The Politi's tell me that soon they will buy me the transportation card so that I do not have buy individual tickets. In Milan there is a big focus on art. It is quite wonderful, there are many museums and always there are exhibitions. This September there is a concert everyday for International Music. This is only my third day and I have already seen modern music by an orchestra from London, and tonight I saw music from Pakistan and Afghanistan. I look forward to all of the interesting concerts and exhibitions to come!

Today I went to my first Rotary meeting. It was a catered lunch in a hotel. It was a bit different than the meetings at home, they are a bit more formal. So many people here speak English- it is helpful when I am totally lost, but I would prefer very slow Italian. But anyway, I was introduced to many fabulous people and everyone seemed to be inviting me somewhere. Then after the lunch I introduced myself to the club with a very very very short speech. (In English: Hello. My name is Grace Fetty. I am from VA in the United States. I am very happy to be here in Milan. Thankyou for the opportunity you have offered me.) I also gave the club a magazine of photos of VA, a map of VA, and a banner from the Mechanicsville Rotary. They were very pleased and I didn't even feel too horrible about my Italian.

Things to come:
On Thursday I meet with my counselor at my high school here in Milan. She is an English teacher and I think that I will be placed in Linguistics. Also, on Saturday there is a District Rotary meeting and the other exchange students and I will tour the city. I believe on Sunday we take a trip to the mountains. I am very excited!

Home Life:
I am beginning to feel more and more comfortable with my host family. Did I mention that I am now the tallest? Marco bounces when he laughs and is very helpful. Marina is always trying to improve her English with me and it is helpful to me because we end up repeating everything in the two languages so we both learn. Daniele is funny to me, I like to listen to his Italian because I can hear many common feelings (exasperation, embarrassment, indignation) of teenagers with their parents, even if I do not understand what he is saying- I understand how he says it. Also, there is the 80 year old grandmother. She does not live here but is here often. She is the only one who does not speak English and I already love her very much. The fact that she doesn't speak English does not stop her from talking to me constantly and she often touches and kisses me. Marina says that she goes dancing twice a week, talks to everyone, and easily gets lost in the city. It is dangerous, but she is often here on the couch doing needlepoint. The Politi's also have women who come to help clean and cook, especially on days when both Marina and Marco work. It is different for me, but they are all very nice it is like a bigger family.

OK enough, I have dinner!

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