Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Day of School


Of course I woke up way too early. I'm all ready to go and I still have a half hour to waste. I'm wearing some new clothes of course :) Although I am officially cutting myself off from shopping anymore for at least a month. Yes, everything I bought I'm sure I'll wear numerous times over and over. I bought very classic styles so I'll blend in better than my usual neon self. But on the other hand, euros are not dollars. They are mega dollars. So no more "wandering" around the Duomo area with female friends. It is just too dangerous. I shall now explore other areas- parks, for example, have very little risk.

I'll give all the details of school when I come back.


They have a cross! In their classroom! On the wall!
Also, I was introduced all old school like you see in the movies- you know, interrupting class and everyone was all around me asking me questions. Everyone seems really nice and I can understand some of the girls when they talk to me, but as far as understanding the teacher- haha yeah riiiiight. It's kind of boring during those blocks when you can't understand the teacher because listening makes your head hurt and the only other thing to do is look out the window. But English looks fun and I'm sure PE will be alright. I haven't had Spanish yet. I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be doing the homework because it's pretty impossible at this point. I wouldn't understand if the teacher gave it anyway. Also, in my class I make 21 people. There is only ONE boy. Wild, eh?
I'm a bit tired. Tonight I will try to relax and rest. I'm making chocolate chip cookies for my family, American style.



My Landscape Journey said...

Glad you made it to school young lady. What did you think this was going to be a big vacation? (Ha Ha). I bet you'll notice a difference in you understanding of language soon. Kind of like playing tennis, when you play with a good player, you get better quick! Nouns and verbs -- you know the drill. I love you sweetie. Miss you, but glad we have some modes of communication.

David Fetty said...

Sounds like you're having a swell time! I'm sure you will be confused for a while, but you'll be fine. Glad you have had fun shopping! having a cross in the classroom must be nice, but I'm not surprised. Have fun trying to stop your head from spinning! Love you!

Shelbykins said...

Grace!!!! I Love reading how your life is going over there in the land of Pizza and Coffee Gelato!! lol..Keep us in lamo-VA posted! Mwah!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad your mom sent me your blog. This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us. Give my love to all of the lovely Italians for me. Maybe I'll be able to come over next summer.
Lots of hugs!