Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving + Snow

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful day and I have so much to be thankful for this year especially. About 10 of us exchangers met at Mary's house after a morning of cooking and celebrated together. It felt so nice to be together and it was OK to miss our families because we've made a new type of family here through this experience. I just felt really happy all day long thinking of everything I'm grateful for and all of the things I've been blessed with.

Then to top if off, I woke up this morning to it SNOWING! It's snowed once before but it was quite insignificant. But today it's been coming down for hours and it's so beautiful. I doubt it will stick but it sure is fun to watch! It looks like Milan starts winter before Ashland does, anyhow. I am COLD.


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