Saturday night I got carsick. Bleh. Driving is different here. like fast- then slow and at the same time windy. My family felt so bad. They didn't understand "carsick".
But Sunday was one of the best days I've spent here. We took a 3 hour drive to Varigotti the small village on the coast pretty close to France. It was incredible. It really is just like the pictures you see in the Italy tourist books on the B&N sales rack. I stepped inside the fairy tale. There were houses in all shades of sunlight, and the breeze was warm on my face. We hiked up a little mountain trail and then later walked through the village and on the beach. Let me repeat: Incredible. I was a madwoman with my camera. It wasn't necessary to DO anything- just be there in the presence of it all. Like Marina says "Italy is a concentration of fine things" and it really is the truth. We had pesto of course, pesto is huge on the coast. Did I mention I've had pasta and pesto for the past three days and I still could eat more? We peeked inside little ancient churches and wandered around the fruit&veggie market. I can't wait, they say we will go to other villages around the coast, and maybe even in France.
I'm pretty happy. But when we got home it was late and I was exhausted today at school. I came home and just passed out for like 4 hours of DEEP sleep.
Tomorrow more Italian lessons. And Happy Birthday Jody! I hope you liked the chocolate cake that I had to go through so much foreigner-difficulty to acquire, haha.
Love to all,
p.s. Sure, I'll give some pics.
Que tal! Soy Sra. Adams y tengo muchos celos porque estas en Italia! Tengo tu dirreccion ahora y voy a leer tus blogs cada noche.
Hey grace.
I bet you didnt think i read your blog.
But i do.
But thats just me being slightly stalkerish.
Thanks for the birthday wish!
Yo uare so much better at updating this thing than me. I havent updated my blog in like, 3 weeks?
This week as a whole has been pretty amazing.
Thanks :)
Shopping tomorrow a little after school? I need shoes... and scarves... and jackets... and more money....
That village looked beautiful in the pictures! Glad to see you are having adventures on the weekends. Love, David
Have been trying to kep up with all your news. Sounds like you are experiencing a lot. You're Italian culture comments really hit home sometimes in relation to the Italian heritage relatives of my parents. When I saw your pictures of this town, I knew it had to be close to my Dad's hometown (of which I have only seen pictures). Looks like you were only about 30-40 miles from where he lived the first 17 years of his life. My Uncle, (infact lives there, owns a Pizza establishment, on the beach). The name of the town is Deiva Maria, 1/2 way between Pisa and Genoa. It is a small world! Yes, homemade Pesto was a stable in my house growing up, as was Pannetone (at Christmas).
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